oyo miami
Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lives and work in France.
Inspired by ancient animated film techniques and street art culture, Marcelo Valente (aka Oyo Miami) produces low-tech animation films for contextual and site specific projects, collaborating at the same time with street art and theatre artists as well musicians, performers and school teachers.
Since his graduation at the Fine Arts School of Porto in Design & Graphic Arts Communication in 2004, he began working with the street art theater company Komplex Kapharnaüm in their shows and site-specific installations in France and abroad, developing professional film animation skills and live performance techniques.
During that time, he also starts working with Cie Persona, a young portuguese multidisciplinary theatre company. With them, he gave a first step aside from a classic movie projection, by inviting the actors of his films to leave the screen and enter "on stage" during the film’s projection, as that happens with A.Z.E.R.T project.
In 2008 emerge the 170cm collective from a small group of Komplex Kapharnaüm's artists. With then, he develops his first experimental audiovisual narratives with Focus and FocusLab projects. Those experiences had a major influence in his today's work.
Since 2014, Marcelo Valente develops with the designer Magalie Rastello the Atelier Optique project, developing graphical contents, animation films and audiovisual performances. Together they created in 2019 a new design studio called Magma, gathering all their professional experiences from the past years, developing tailor-made collaborative projects at the crossroads of traditional techniques, design and digital production processes.

side projects

Magma develops tailor-made collaborative projects at the crossroads of traditional techniques, design and digital production processes.

Sociedade Recreativa emerges as the encounter of the Brazilian troubadours of Forró de Rebeca with global beats ambassador Maga Bo.

KompleX KapharnaüM creates innovative urban interventions adapted to the context of each territory.

Persona is a portuguese multidisciplinary theatre company.

Cie carabosse is a collective of artists, conceptualisers, scenarists, actors, constructors, musicians, inventors, visual artists, all of them poets of Do It Yourself.

Lyon based traditional Brazilian Maracatu music group, led by Pai Véio.

French-Brazilian audiovisual puzzel, Tangram is where electronic music, words and video meet on the stage.

Originated from the post-industrial musical current from the 80’s, Von Magnet start a style of their own which they named "Electroflamenco".
Design & Artwork
Magma studio by Magma studio / since 2019Sociedade Recreativa by Sociedade Recreativa / 2016-2018
Imago by Tangram / 2015-2017
Atelier Optique by Atelier Optique / 2014-2019
Komplex Kapharnaüm by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2004-2013
Panorama by Entre2rues collective / 2024
art direction
Chambres Optiques by Atelier Optique / on goingGRAM by Tangram / 2016
Audioscope by Atelier Optique / since 2015
Stroboscopia by Atelier Optique / 2015
KomJam by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2015
Imago by Tangram / 2015-2017
OHP Games by 170cm collective / 2012
FocusLab by 170cm collective / 2008-2011
Insomnies by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2007
Deadline Now by Cie Persona & Von Magnet / 2006
A.Z.E.R.T. by Cie Persona / since 2003
Ozeanoaren konkista by Haize Othondo Battesti / 2012Polarized (film) by Von Magnet / 2012
Atelier Optique by Atelier Optique / since 2012
170cm collective by 170cm collective / 2008-2011
creative consultant
Par le temps qui courent by Cie Carabosse / 2017-2018Sangkhumtha : HOPE by Cie Artonik / 2018
Sociedade Recreativa by Sociedade Recreativa / since 2016
Qui donc maintenant me dira je t’aime ? by Valentine Cie / 2014
Le Temps d'Attendre by Ohmart / 2014
Ozeanoaren konkista by Haize Othondo Battesti / 2012
ARC ESADTPM by Bureau des PaySAGEs en Mouvement / 2022
Tudo Bem by Oyo do Matuto / 2017-2019Sociedade Recreativa by Sociedade Recreativa / 2016-2019
Gram by Tangram / 2016
Imago by Tangram / 2015-2017
Stroboscopia by Atelier Optique / 2015
Audioscope by Atelier Optique / since 2015
ATAR by Ohmart / 2015
MUM by Oyo Miami / 2012
Figures Libres by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2011-2013
FocusLab by 170cm collective / 2008-2011
Place Public by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2012
Fool by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm & High Tone / 2011
Méménto by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2009-2013
PlayRec by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2005-2008
Deadline Now by Cie Persona & Von Magnet / 2005-2006
A.Z.E.R.T. by Cie Persona / since 2003
MicrOcity by Entre2rues collective / 2024
Museum of Printing and graphic communication Lyon 2021 - PhonotropeLe Rize - Villeurbanne 2019 - Phonotrope
Henri Matisse School - Vénissieux 2019 - Phonotrope
Festival Campagnart - Saint-Maurice-lès-Châteauneuf 2018 - Phonotrope
Festival Radio Faneca, Ilhavo 2017 - Phonotrope
Festival Electrochoc - 2015 - Phonotrope
Komplexkapharnaüm, Villeurbanne 2018 - Overhead projetctor
Cie Artonik + Craoman, Paris 2017 - Overhead projetctor
Valentine Compagnie 2016 - Overhead projetctor
ESADTPM 2022 - Atelier de recherche et création
Sociedade Recreativa by Sociedade Recreativa / 2016-2018Correspondance de quartier by BlÖffique Théâtre / 2010
video editing
Planètes comptines by Cie Entre chien et loup / 2019Embola Pedra by Sociedade Recreativa / 2018
Mestre Luiz Paixão by Forró de Rebeca / 2018
Les Trieurs by Cie Pleins Feux / 2017
Live video by Sociedade Recreativa / since 2016
Imago Live video by Tangram / 2015-2017
DVD Von Magnet by Von Magnet / 2012
Iris Coffee by Iris High-School workshop / 2007
Komplex Kapharnaüm by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / since 2004
A.Z.E.R.T. by Cie Persona / since 2003
visual technician
Par le temps qui courent by Cie Carabosse / 2017-2018Mémoire Vive Festival by CCO / 2016
Garrincha by Nuits de Fourvière / 2016
Sociedade Recreativa by Sociedade Recreativa / 2016-2018
ExtraPolis by AADN / 2015-2018
Imago by Tangram / 2014-2017
Komplex Kapharnaüm by Cie Komplex Kapharnaüm / 2004-2013
Cie Persona by Cie Persona / since 2003
Festivals & events
Soirée Créations Visuelles et Sonores, Rive-de-Gier - FranceFestival Imaginarius, Santa Maria da Feira - Portugal
Festival 7 Collines - Performing Arts & Cinema, Saint Etienne - France
Festival Shiny Toys - Audiovisuelle Abenteuer, Mülheim an der Ruhr - Germany
Festival Imaginarius - Festival de teatro de rua, Santa Maria da Feira - Portugal
Festival Rádio Faneca - Festival de artes performativas, Ílhavo - Portugal
Mirage Festival - Arts & Digital Cultures, Lyon - France
Les Temps d’Art est levé[e], Cultural Meeting, Lyon - France
OHP Surface - The art of the overhead Festival, Malmö - Sweden
Festival Électrochoc - Digital Arts & Music, Bourgoin-Jallieu - France
SSAF - Seoul Street Art Festival, Seoul - South Korea
Along the light - Audiovisual Analogue Festival, Köln - Germany
Nuit Européenne des Musées 2010 - Musée de la Mine, Saint Étienne - France
Nuit Européenne des Musées 2011 - Les châteaux de la Drôme, Montélimar - France
Nuit Européenne des Musées 2016 - Musée du tissu Bourgoin-Jallieu - France
Nuit Européenne des Musées 2020 - MICG Lyon - France
Nuit Européenne des Musées 2021 - MICG Lyon - France
Festival Mémoire Vive - CCO, Villeurbanne - France
Biennal de design de Saint-Étienne - La cartonnerie, Saint-Étienne - France
Festival La Vallée Électrique - France
Soirées Tudo Bem - Maison Mère, Lyon - France
Festival Campagn'art - Saint-Maurice-lès-Châteauneuf - France
Festival Vrrraiment! - Toulon - France
PRJNT - Rencontres de la micro-édition - Toulon - France
Prendre la nature sur le fait - Villa Thèo - France
Quercus Suber 2022 - Villa Noailles - France
Fête de la musique 2023 - Toulon - France
Regards sur rue #4 - édition 2023 - Seyne-sur-Mer - France
Regards sur rue #5 - édition 2024 - Seyne-sur-Mer - France
Institutions & cultural organisations
Akwaba – Coopérative Culturelle Indisciplinaire - FranceInstitut Français de Séoul - South Korea
Les Abattoirs SMAC de Bourgoin-Jallieu - France
Musée des Moulages de Lyon - France
Musée du tissu Bourgoin-Jallieu - France
Musée de l'imprimerie et de la communication graphique de Lyon - France
Terra Rossa - Maison de la céramique de Salernes - France
Les châteaux de la Drôme - France
Médiathèque Intercommunale La Fée Verte - France
Centro Cultural de Ilhavo - Portugal
SMart - France
CCO – Centre Culturel Oecuménique - France
Le RIZE – Mémoires, cultures, échanges - France
La M.M. Lyon - France
8 Fablab - France
Fablab L'Atelier Lorgues - France
LFO Marseille - France
Réso-nance numérique - France
Metaxu - France
Villa Thèo - France
Villa Noailles - France
Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design Toulon Provence Méditerranée - France
Ecole Supérieure d’Art et de Design Marseille Méditerranée - France
Le Pôle - Arts en circulation - France
MMI - Université de Toulon - France
Cie Entre chien et loup [street theatre/public space] - FranceCie Artonik [street theatre/dance] - France
Cie Persona [multidisciplinary theatre] - Portugal
Cie Komplexkapharnaüm [street theatre] - France
Cie Carabosse [street theatre] - France
Cie Au fil de la Langue [theatre] - France
Cie Ex Nihilo [dance] - France
Cie Les ouvreurs du possible [danse] - France
Cie On Off [theatre] - France
Cie Nuit et Jour [dance] - France
Ktha Cie [street theatre] - France
Bloffïque Théâtre [street theatre] - France
Valentine Compagnie [theatre] - France
Groupe Z.U.R. [street theatre] - France
Jamsang Project [collective of artists] - South Korea
Collectif Ohm_Art [collective of artists & photographers] - France
NCNC - Nuovo Cinéma Néo Cinetico (site-specific cinema] - France / Spain
Ray Vibration [collective of artists] - Germany
Tangram [music band] - France
Sociedade Recreativa [music band] - France
Von Magnet [theatre music band] - France
La Cartonnerie [espace public de proximité, expérimental et temporaire] - France
Les Arts et Mouvants [producer] - France
Hémisphère / Thomas Bohl [multimedia developer] - France
Collectif Entre2rues [site-specific artists] - France
Cie Autour du nez [clow] - FranceHaize Othondo Battesti [artist] - France
Julien Vadet [composer / sound art] - France
Pierre Hoezelle [multimedia artist] - France
Magalie Rastello [designer] - France
José Almeida Pereira [painter] - Portugal
Patrick Pineau [comedian and theater director] - France
King Doudou [producer / Dj] - France
Kosta Kostov [producer / Dj] - Germany
K'Boko [musician / producer] - Germany
Dj âMy B [DJ] - France
Patrick Singh [painter] - France
Craoman [artist / illustrator] - France
Izorel [musician / producer] - France
Morganne Demoreuille [artist] - France
AliasIPIN [artist] - France
Mélodie Blaison [musician / producer] - France
Zagros Mehrkian [visual art / professor ESADTPM] - France
Benoît Bottex [musician / artist] - France
Pauline Leonet [scenographer / artist] - France